Children have the right to a free, high-quality primary education. Recognizing this right,
international leaders declared universal primary education one of the Millennium
Development Goals for 2015. In 2004, this objective appeared to be out of reach for many
poor countries. Many children who do attend school receive an inadequate education as a
result of poorly qualified, underpaid teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and a shortage of
basic teaching resources such as textbooks, blackboards, and pens and paper. The Universal
Education Foundation addresses these issues by providing a variety of scholarships to
students in order to alleviate their financial hardship.
Allied with other educational trusts, our organization funds the selected school and college
students according to the terms and conditions of eligibility. One of the main eligibility
criteria for achieving these scholarships is students’ academic excellence. School and college
students of low-financial status are being helped by our organization such that they can
continue their education and contribute to the development of the nation. India, as one of
the developing countries, lacks the financial resources to meet its citizens' educational
needs. It is true that school fees and other user payments are a heavy burden for some
parents to bear. This problem is hence trying to be solved by Universal Education
Education plays a vital role in the life of a person. It will educate you and guide you to
survive in life and face all the challenges of life. Realizing the value of education, UEF has
decided to provide scholarships for financially backward school students of Kerala and other
states, helping them to complete their education. We provide scholarships for students
from kindergarten to higher studies. These scholarships are provided by UEF to improve the
education level in the country.
Let us build an indiscriminate nation together….